In the news at home and abroad:
- The Guardian reports Australia’s abusive refugee policy was criticised by Human Rights Watch http://www.theguardian.
com/law/2016/jan/27/ australias-abusive-refugee- policies-criticised-in- damning-international-report - SBS reports that Australia does have the ability to implement a humane refugee policy http://www.sbs.com.au/news/
article/2016/01/28/humane- refugee-policies-not-death- sentence-australia-human- rights-watch - The Sydney Morning Herald outlines some examples of refugee settlement in Australia http://m.smh.com.au/nsw/how-
well-are-new-refugees- settling-into-australia- 20160127-gmes83.html - The ABC reports on Syrian Refugee camp visits by an Australian delegation http://mobile.abc.net.au/news/
2016-01-27/syrian-refugee- camps-tour-by-australian- business-delegation/7116754 - The Guardian includes an opinion piece on the current state of the refugee situation in Europe and Australia http://www.
theguardian.com/commentisfree/ 2016/jan/18/australias- refugee-policies-a-global- inspiration-for-all-the-wrong- reasons - UNHCR outlines their smart phone app assisting Australian refugees http://www.unhcr.org/
56a0b21c6.html - Refugees on Nauru have criticised Australia’s human rights record, including treatment of Australia’s First Nations http://mobile.abc.net.
au/news/2016-01-19/nauru- refugees-take-aim-at- australias-human-rights- record/7098384 - The Guardian reports of child bullying in Nauru detention centres http://www.
theguardian.com/australia- news/2016/jan/21/child- refugees-tell-of-bullying-on- nauru-they-are-rude-to-us- they-punch-us