A warm welcome to this month’s issue and thank you again for your positive feedback. July has marked a very busy month at AFFMA as we have been heavily involved with many of the refugees currently in detention.
I would like to take this moment to thank all of our generous volunteers and our newsletter volunteer team for contributing to the smooth operation of our office.
We must remain optimistic as we champion the rights of asylum seekers who seek refuge on our shores. Despite the bleak political outlook, we must remain hopeful that our continued lobbying will push our leaders to act out of compassion rather than fear.
Let us think of the many men, women and children who brave the intolerable conditions of their homelands to seek a brighter future and take faith that they will soon be able to find peaceful and fulfilling lives in Australia.
On this note, I would like to announce that AFFMA will launch a crowdfunding campaign from our August issue in the hope of raising some of the funds necessary for continuing the provision of our services. Details will be published in our next issue.
Joël Gédéon, JP
MARN: 1066986