Crowdfunding campaign: Every cent counts
You can donate directly to AFFMA through PayPal by accessing the following link:
Any small donation that you can afford will be greatly appreciated.
Annual General Meeting: Wednesday 22 June 2016. Get Involved
AFFMA is seeking volunteer Board Members: Treasurer, Secretary, Vice-president, Fundraising Manager, Public Relations Officer and general board members.
Our growing organisation is looking for positive people, passionate individuals from all walks of life and professions: academics, sports people, philosophers, musicians, social scientists, artists, psychologists, bankers, anthropologists, engineers, accountants, physicists, Aborigines, students in the final year of law, AAT tribunal members and members of the community who all have one thing in common, namely, to be instrumental in shaping ideas about the future of Australia in relation to Refugees and Asylum seekers.
Please come and be part of an upward moving energy and help contribute to positive social change under AFFMA’s leadership. We are developing a Think Tank.
AFFMA is moving forward and we invite you to become a volunteer board member not only to collaboratively govern AFFMA under AFFMA’s Constitution and ACNC legislation but also to;
- voice and listen to ideas about the challenges for Australia and its direction under existing refugee and asylum seeker legislation;
- engage in discussion for the purpose of policy development in relation to refugees and displaced people;
- environmental and economic migration, a reality of the present shaping the future;
- contribute to submissions to parliament and
- other matters as they arise.
Research has shown that people feel more complete and purposeful when they contribute to the community and to humanity and many successful people do just that for this very reason.
Be part of a positive movement. Be on the move with AFFMA.
Please email us your expression of interest by Sunday 06 June.
Our Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 22 June 2016 at 5 PM at our Newtown Office.