Free membership with AFFMA now available 
If you are interested in refugee and migration law issues, please sign up for your free membership with AFFMA here.
3 hours pro bono equals 1 CPD
We are an approved organisation by MARA and we need volunteer migration agents! Please contact us if you are willing to help out. Remember that for every 3 hours pro bono work, you will get 1 CPD. We will also start offering face -to-face CPDs from 2015.
Our AGM is scheduled for the end of February / early March 2015 and we are looking for committed people to be on the AFFMA board for 2 years. You could nominate yourself or nominate someone else who must accept the nomination.
The role of President and Vice-President are reserved for pro bono migration agents only. All other office bearers are open for everyone. Click here to start your application.
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